Parent and Family Engagement Plan

Interlachen Elementary 

Ted Haengel – Principal 

Kim Baggs - Assistant Principal 

251 South County Road 315 

Interlachen, FL 32148 

(386) 684-2130 



Parent and Family 

Engagement Plan

Involvement of Parents

Describe the process of  

making this plan an ongoing  shared responsibility and  how parents/families  

provide input to review and  improve this plan.

At Interlachen Elementary School, we invite all parents to attend our monthly  PTO/SAC meetings. Parent Involvement meetings are held to discuss and plan  family nights, grade level and other school-related events. At each meeting, the  dates, times and materials are planned and prepared for initiating the event.  Meetings are documented with agendas, minutes, additional notes, and sign-in  sheets/Google meets screenshots/Zoom screen shots/Facebook screenshots which  record parent input and concerns. Discussion is also held on how best to utilize the  Title 1 Parent Involvement money. Also, any changes to the Parent Involvement  Plan, School Improvement Plan and Compact are discussed and voted on.  

A school compact is created/revised/reviewed each year by parents and distributed  at the beginning of the school year for signatures. Teachers use the compact during  parent conferences as needed. This year, due to Covid-19 and CDC guidelines, the  parents met virtually to discuss, make revisions and vote on the school compact.  

Parent meetings are held monthly to plan for upcoming events and to disperse fund  requests for technology, student rewards, software, field trips, and other materials.  Fundraisers are also brought to the group during the meetings. Discussion of how  best to use the Title 1 Parent Involvement money is considered as well.  

Additionally, PIDAC meetings are held on a monthly basis at the Federal Programs  Office. Parent names, addresses and phone numbers are given to the PIDAC chair  for district level parent involvement. Agenda, minutes and sign-in sheet document  parent participation and correlation to student achievement. Funding of Title 1  dollars to schools is discussed and input is encouraged regarding parent  involvement dollars.  

The school hosts parent conferences onsite/virtually so that parents and teachers  can effectively communicate relevant and timely information about a student’s  academic performance, behavioral needs, and/or how parents can support their  child at home with school-based issues. Parents are invited to attend, onsite or  virtual, Teacher Meet and Greets, Open Houses, Annual Title 1 Meetings, and or  Parent Nights within the first few months of school. This year the school will host a  Facebook Live Annual Title 1 meeting and School Safety Night in September. This year, some or all of these meetings may need to be held virtually in order to adhere 

As a schoolwide Title I school, we assure the  following measures to promote and support  parents/families as equal partners in supporting  student achievement: 

· Invite and encourage parents/families to  jointly review, revise, and improve the  

Schoolwide Plan, the Parent and Family  Engagement Plan, and the Parent-Student Teacher Compact; 

· Invite and encourage parent/family  attendance to the school’s Annual Title I Meeting; 

· Involve parents/families in decisions about  how Title I, Part A funds are spent; 

· Provide parent/families with timely  information in an understandable format Right-to Know information, and upon request, the  professional qualifications of classroom teachers  and paraprofessionals; 

· Provide an individualized student report on  their child’s performance on State tests; and 

· Provide a description within the PFEP of  how the school will carry out the requirements of  Section 1118 of ESSA.

to CDC guidelines and district mandates for gathering.  

Teachers will contact any parent/guardian of a student who has a PMP (Academic  Progress Monitoring Plan), Behavior Plan or Interventions, and or is in the MTSS  (Multi-tiered System of Support for Academics or Behavior) to arrange a conference  for discussing expectations and/or requirements for moving forward for the new  school year. Parent input is highly encouraged. 

Teachers generate either a weekly or monthly newsletter to be sent home  communicating classroom and School-wide expectations and/or events.  

IES also generates a monthly school-wide newsletter. This newsletter includes  upcoming events and other important information about the school such as health  screenings, pictures, Parent Nights, and Assessments. 

The school and teachers use phone calls, text messaging, Class DOJO, Remind,  virtual meetings, and email to send specific reminders about events taking place at  the school and/or meetings. Parents have the ability to opt in/out of these  communications with the school. Messages are also sent using School Messenger  through phone calls, texts, and emails. The school sign, school/district webpages,  and school/district Facebook pages are also used to display announcements  regarding events, assessments, holidays, etc. 

How do you use the review  of the previous year’s plan to  retain, revise, or replace  strategies to design more  effective engagement?

The review of the previous year’s plan is held at the year end PTO/SAC and Parent  Involvement Meetings. However, due to COVID-19, the meeting was held at the  beginning of the school year meeting. At that meeting the previous year’s plans are  discussed, revised, or replaced based on parent recommendations. It is then sent  out for parents to vote on the changes and/or make additional revisions as deemed  necessary. School data is analyzed to ensure the effectiveness of the plan. This  includes sign-in sheets and/or screen shots of parent attendees, additional notes,  and parent recommendations. We solicit feedback from parents/guardians during  each Title 1 Parent Night.

How will you involve  

parents/families in the  

decision making of how Title  I Parent and Family  

Engagement funds are 

IES involves the parents and families in the decision making of how Title 1 Parent  and Family Engagement funds are spent through monthly PTO/SAC and Parent  Involvement meetings as well as the Title 1 Parent Nights each year in September  and February.


What evidence do you have  to document parent/family  participation in  

writing/reviewing your  PFEP? What evidence do you  have that documents  

parent/family input in  

spending PFE funds? 

All evidence is obtained through meeting agendas, sign-in sheets and/or screen  shots of attendees, school Facebook page comment screenshots and voting results.

Describe how the school will  share comments/concerns  received from  

parents/families with  

stakeholders concerning the  Schoolwide Plan and PFEP.  How will this plan be made  available to the community?

IES will share comments/concerns received from parents/families with stakeholders  concerning the School-wide Plan and PFEP through advertising on the school  webpage and Facebook page, during PTO/SAC/PIDAC meetings and during Title 1  meetings held at least twice each year. The plan will be made available to the  community from the District webpage, school webpage, school Facebook page and  a hard copy will be available in the front office should a parent inquire. 

Flexible Parent Meetings

Describe how the school provides flexible dates and times for activities,  workshops, events, so that all parents may have an opportunity to attend.

Family Nights are held in the evening, and now virtually as needed, so the majority  of the parents and guardians can attend. Some specific grade level events, such 

as musicals, are held during the day as well as in the evenings to accommodate  parents when large gatherings are again allowed. All parent conferences, and  meetings such as MTSS, IEPs, 504s and others are held at the parents’  convenience and now are held virtually, as needed. Virtual visits and phone  conferences are held when parents are unable to physically be present at the  school setting. Transportation and/or child care may be provided to the school, if  requested. At some events food may be provided. 

Describe what childcare, home visits and/or transportation services are  provided by your school to allow all parents to participate in the education  of their child.

These are available upon request prior to the event as deemed appropriate by  Administration.

Annual Parent Meeting 

Date and time you will hold your Annual Title I Meeting

September 22, 2020 PreK-5th Facebook Live 

February 2021 prior to Data Night TTBD

Notification and Invitation: 

How will the school inform and invite parents/families in a timely manner  about the Annual Meeting? 

How will the school assure the notification and invitations are in a language  all parents can understand?

The meetings are in the school newsletter, on the school webpage, announced on  the school Facebook page, school sign, call-out through School Messenger and  teacher announcements on Remind/Class DOJO, and a flyer is backpacked  home. 

The information is available in other languages upon request.


Please describe how your meeting will cover the required information about: 

Benefits to all students in a Title I schoolwide program; 

Right-to-know 4-week out-of-field letters & teacher and paraprofessional  qualification information,; 

explanation of curriculum; 

assessments used to measure student progress,; 

expected achievement levels on state tests; 

PFE funds; 

School Compact and;

Each year the Principal of the school creates a PPT slide show with this  information for parents/guardians. It is presented at our Title 1 Annual meetings  and discussion is facilitated as necessary. Pictures of pertinent documents are  scanned into the PPT so that parents have a visual point of reference. 

opportunities provided for engagement.


What barriers will you address to encourage parents/families to attend? Ex:  Childcare, Transportation, Meals, Translations

Transportation - Transportation is provided when requested or needed. We also  alert parents of alternate transportation providers such as Ride Solution offered in  our county. 

Economic Hardships - The school provides school supplies, clothing, shoes, food  backpack program, school lunch pick-up, summer lunch program, books in  collaboration with the Title 1 funding, local churches and other community  organizations. 

Education - Parents will be provided information regarding standards, curriculum,  assessments - classroom/district/state, health, mental wellness, technology as  needed. Literature is available to parents that offers ways to help students  succeed in school such as Home Connection. A parent handbook is provided at  the beginning of the year as well as access to the student code of conduct.  

Scheduling Conflicts - IES works hard to offer flexible meetings, activities and  other events for parents/guardians.


How will you get feedback from parents about the meeting?

Feedback is asked for and encouraged during every parent activity. Parents and  guardians submit feedback through the school’s Facebook page, emails, parent  calls, parent/teacher conferences, monthly PTP/SAC/PIDAC meetings and Title 1  and 5 Essential Survey.

Parents who do not attend? 

How will you get the information home to parents who did not attend the  meeting?

Some information is backpacked home. Other information is shared via Remind,  email, the school webpage, the school Facebook page, the school sign and at  monthly meetings.

Building Capacity of Parents to Support Their Child 

Explain how parents/families are invited to participate in activities such as parent trainings that are linked to student achievement. How will your school help parents gain an understanding of such topics as: the State’s standards, state assessments, achievement levels of proficiency, and how to 

monitor their child's progress?  

What training or materials will you provide to help parents work with their child to improve their child’s academic achievement?

Title - Topic 

Impact on Student Achievement 


Tentative Date/Time Is this flexible to  


parent schedules?





Virtual Title 1  

Annual Meeting Parent Safety  

Meeting Night

Increase parent understanding of Title  1 and the resources and materials  available to assist in all aspects of  student growth. Also to educate and  inform parents of School Safety  Practices, including precautions for  Covid-19. Also, build positive school  culture.

All Teachers 

Flyers, PPT,  

Announcement in  School  

Newsletter/Facebo ok, Website/School  Sign

September 22, 2020 6:00 Title 1 Meeting 6:15 Safety Talk





Virtual Open  


To educate and inform parents of  Florida Standards, upcoming Best  Standards, changes in grade  

monitoring in grade three, modes of  progress monitoring and types of  assessments. Also share student data  and set up conferences at the parents’  convenience to discuss student needs.  Increase learning potential through  information and relationship building.

All Teachers 

Flyers, PPT,  

Announcement in  School  

Newsletter/Facebo ok, Website/School  Sign 

Video Clips

September 2020 





Cambridge Parent  Night

Increase parent understanding of  Cambridge Program, increase learning  potential through information,  

relationship building and  








(May need to be  


As requested 






PTO Meetings 

Encourage family and school ties,  engaged parents, exposure to school  improvement measures and decision  making to build and maintain a positive 

PTO Officers 

Announcement in  Newsletter, Email,  Facebook


As requested 






school culture.

Annual Title 1  


Data Date Night  (Virtual)

Increase parent understanding of the  Title 1 resources and materials  available to assist with all aspects of  student achievement and growth. To  solicit verbal feedback from parents  and make changes as needed. Also, to  increase understanding of the Florida  Standards and how they are assessed.  Share student progress monitoring  data prior to the assessment. Set up  parent conferences, as needed, to  discuss student performance. 

All Teachers 



Newsletter, Data  Reports,  

Announcement on  Website/Facebook

February 2021 

As requested 






How do you  

assess the  

needs of  


How does  

parent input  

inform what  

types of  

events or  


you have at  

your school?

PTO/SAC/PIDAC meetings are avenues to assess the needs of the parent and community. Parent input informs decision making  and thus encourages attendance to these meetings and participation in activities and workshops.  

Title 1 Parent Survey

How do you  

evaluate the  


of capacity  



Knowledgeable, informed and engaged parents help to ensure student attendance is high, behavior is positive and supported, and  academic success in the classroom is achieved. The result is higher progress monitoring scores leading to higher state assessment scores. Parents monitoring student progress through quarterly reports, report cards, and Skyward Parent Portal. Also, parents set  

up parent conferences in a timely manner. Sign-in sheets/screenshots, conference notes, school compact, and agendas give insight  into the effectiveness of the activities. 

Explain how  

your school  


activities that  



with the  



partners, and 

Again, this year, to continue to increase positive behavior and attendance, we have partnered with our Kona Ice Community partner.  Kona Ice provides treats each month for those students who earn it by meeting specific criteria. We also partner with the  community leaders to help provide food, schools supplies, clothing, etc. for our students and parents throughout the school year.  For example, the local bank provides refreshments for some of our events, the local grocery store donates food items and other  business partners donate supplies. The local bank even helps serve the refreshments.

churches, to  





Building the Capacity of Staff (Professional Development) 

Please describe the professional development activities the school will provide to educate teachers, pupil services personnel, principals, and other staff  on…. 

how to reach out to, communicate with, and work with parents/families as equal partners, 

the value and utility of contributions of parents/families 

how to implement and coordinate parent/family programs 

how to build ties between parents/families and the school 

Please describe below how you will provide professional development



How does this activity help staff build school/parent relationships?

Implementation format: 

(workshop, book study, etc.) 


Who is the audience? 

Tentative Date/Time

Best Practices in Inclusion 

This training focuses on providing  inclusion services and  

accommodations for our ESE  population and ESSA subgroup. It  will also help all students. Part of the  training includes planning and  bedding goals throughout the day,  presuming competence and having  high expectations for all students.

Google Meets  

Kristin Radloff, ECSE 

FIN Facilitator 

Florida Inclusion Network at NEFEC

Instructional and Noninstructional 

August 17, 2020

Faculty and Staff Positive  Behavior Support Training

Faculty and Staff awareness of  the power of positive  

reinforcement of behavior  

strategies. Previous year school  data is shared and discussed.  Faculty and Staff are instructed 

Workshop materials, PPT, Data School Admin Team

Instructional and Noninstructional 

August 18, 2020

on how and when to  

communicate with parents and  how to involve them as partners  in learning. This training helps  with maintaining a positive  school climate.

Caring Schools Community  Collaborative Classroom

Faculty and Staff to have training  for the district’s evidence-based  year long SEL program  

curriculum. This training will  assist faculty and staff in  

supporting all students with  relevant SEL support, especially  now during the Covid crisis. 

CSC Teacher’s Manual, Caring  School Discipline Book, Topic  Weeks/Community Chats and  CSC Exploration Guide 

Google Meets 

Michael Stevens, Tricia Bennett Follow-Up Susan Farrar

Instructional and Noninstructional 

August 4, 2020 

Follow-Up August 17, 2020

School-wide PLCs 

Administration, Faculty and Staff  to communicate clear  

expectations and goals using  school-wide academic and  behavior data as well as grade  level data trends. Faculty and  Staff to work together with  

collective responsibility to  

increase student  

achievement/growth rates and to  increase proficiency in both  Positive Behavior (less referrals  and suspensions) and state-wide  and district assessments.


School Admin

All Staff 


October 2020-June 2021

Grade Level PLCs 

Teachers will communicate clear  expectations and goals using the  Florida standards with their  grade level teams. They will  discuss data, reflect on  

strategies and share ideas used  to increase student growth and  proficiency.


Google Form 

Lead Teachers from each grade  level 


Non Instructional, when  


School Leadership

Instructional Staff 

Weekly beginning  

September 2020


Describe how you notify each  family in a timely manner in an  understandable format when their  child has been assigned, or has  been taught for four or more  consecutive weeks by a teacher  who is out of field?

Each year, prior to report cards, a letter is sent to parents informing them of their right to know their child has been taught by a teacher  that is out of field. It also explains how to look up the information on the Florida Dept. of Education website.

Describe how you provide each  family with timely notice in an  understandable format regarding  their right to request information  on the professional qualifications  of their student’s classroom  teachers and paraprofessionals.

This information is shared during our Title 1 Parent meeting via PPT, the Title 1 Bifold is backpacked home in August of each school  year, and each parent is notified via letter backpacked home if the teacher is not highly qualified within the year as needed in regards  to teacher qualifications.

Describe how parents are  

informed of the curriculum, forms  of assessment used to measure  student progress, and the  

achievement levels students are  expected to obtain.

Title 1 Parent Meetings and Open House either virtual/Face-to-Face, Data Chats, Parent Teacher Conferences, district webpage

Describe how the school will  provide each family an  

individualized report about their  child’s performance on state  assessments.

Parents may view this report via Skyward Parent Portal. They may also pick up a copy from the front office at their convenience or  request a copy be mailed to them.

Describe how you ensure that  your school holds parent-teacher  conferences during which the  compact is discussed as it relates  to the individual child’s  


At the beginning of the school year, parents are given a copy of the school compact. The teacher reviews the compact with the student  and parent during Open House prior to setting up any parent conferences. The compact is used during conferences throughout the  year as a reminder of responsibilities of the teacher, student and parent. It is documented on the Open House Agenda.

Coordination and Integration

Describe how you coordinate and integrate parent and family engagement activities in the programs listed below to help parents help their child at home.


Once students are identified, Project Praise under the McKinney Vento Act, provides tutoring and help with basic needs and  transportation.


Transportation and services for Migrant children with specific needs.


The school has two full-time PreK classes on campus. We promote voluntary Kindergarten Round-Up. IES promotes voluntary  Kindergarten Round-Up with local daycares as well. Teachers hold a parent information night, close to the end of the school year, for  upcoming Kindergarten parents. The Round-Up is advertised through flyers, social media, School Messenger, the school sign and the  school website.

Title II 


Title III - ELL 

Translation/tutors are available for ELL students. We also provide ESOL certified staff.

Title IV 

IES promotes a safe and drug free school. It is a zero tolerance zone. A school counselor is available for students and parents. The  counselor, Dean, MTSS coordinator also assists with behavioral plans and teacher support through counseling with students, teachers  and families as needed.

Title V 



The school serves a high population of ESE students. The school works hard to provide services to each student based on his/her need.  The school uses the Wilson Curriculum for Reading and Mindplay. The school plans to use Moby Max this year for Math.

Neglected and  




The school has an active SAC committee. This group meets monthly along with the PTO to discuss events and expenditures needed to  help promote teacher/student success in the classroom as well as parent involvement activities.


(Migrant Parent  

Advisory Council)

IES Parent Involvement contact reaches out to parents and gives the names and number to the district liaison. The liaison works with  the parents to involve them in the district meetings, give them a voice in the community, and encourages them to bring the information  back to the school level to share at the PTO/SAC meetings.


The school has an active PTO/PTA parent group. The group meets monthly to discuss events, teacher requests for supplies and  expenditures needed to help promote teacher student success in the classroom as well as parent involvement activities to involve  families. 



CDS Family and Behavioral Health Services, INC - parents of students who qualify are assisted with transportation to doctor  appointments and the pharmacy. Students and parents may also use the Children’s Home Society counseling services and/or  resources.



Community State Bank, First Baptist Church and Hitchcock’s in Interlachen volunteers time and resources to help during family/parent  events and to help assist families. First Baptist Church in Interlachen is available to mentor students. Kona Ice donates time and 

resources to assist in the behavior and attendance incentives during the school year. 




What opportunities do parents have  to participate in their child’s  







Parents have the options to volunteer, attend field trips, attend PIDAC district-led meetings, attend SAC/PTO or Parent Involvement  meetings either virtually or Face-to-Face. The school provides school supplies and food items weekly to some families. They are  encouraged to contact the school if they have a need.

What forms of communication do  you provide parents in an  

understandable and uniform format  as it relates to: 

school and parent  



school reports 

other activities

Flyers, access to Skyward Parent Portal, Class DoJo, Remind, School Messenger, printed copies of progress reports, report cards,  and state assessments as requested. Parents are informed via social media, school/district webpage, email, phone calls, the school  sign, classroom and school-wide newsletters. 

What barriers hinder participation  by parents in parental engagement  activities? 

What steps will you take this school  year to overcome these barriers - with particular attention to parents  who are economically  

disadvantaged, are disabled, have  limited English proficiency, have  limited literacy, or are of any racial  or ethnic minority background. 

Transportation - Transportation is provided when requested or needed. We also alert parents of alternate transportation  providers such as Ride Solution offered in our county. 

Economic Hardships - The school provides school supplies, clothing, shoes, food backpack program, school lunch pick-up, summer  lunch program, books in collaboration with the Title 1 funding, local churches and other community organizations. 

Education - Parents will be provided information regarding standards, curriculum, assessments - classroom/district/state, health,  mental wellness, technology as needed. Literature is available to parents that offers ways to help students succeed in school such as  Home Connection. A parent handbook is provided at the beginning of the year as well as access to the student code of conduct.  

Scheduling Conflicts - IES works hard to offer flexible meetings, activities and other events for parents/guardians. 

Access to technology - Students are able to check Chromebooks out, like a library book, to use for Option 2. Some of the businesses  have generously allowed parents to use their internet. 

These barriers include all subgroups. 

How does your school provide  information to parents in their native  language? 

What languages do you provide? 

Do you provide translators or  facilitators at parent  

events/workshops? Or, do you  provide workshops in a parent’s  native language? Explain.

When notified of the need for information in a native language, either written translation/verbal translation, or both, IES has the  resources to provide that to parents and students. We currently have a minimum of three staff members able to translate and  communicate verbally with parents and students. Computerized translation programs aid in translating the school compact for parents.  Most of the time the Spanish version is already available.

How will the school encourage and  support additional opportunities for  more meaningful engagement for  parents/families in the education of  their child? 

Parent/Family Resource  


Parent Liaison 

Data Reviews 





21st Century After School Program